Dirty electricity and your health

How EMF filters can protect your home

Lenette Nakauchi
Natural News
2011 November 18

Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs, are emitted by all electronic devices. This means that EMFs are in your home, in your office, and even outside! Unfortunately, few people are aware of the dangers of overexposure to EMFs and even fewer know how to prevent it. EMF filters are a great way to keep your home safe and reduce the EMF exposure of your family.

Because information about EMFs can become highly technical, many people don’t bother to read up on them, as they don’t understand the information they find online. If you are in this camp, don’t worry! Below are the answers to some common questions concerning EMFs and EMF filter use.

Electromagnetic Field FAQs

Q.: Why are EMFs dangerous?
A.: EMFs can be harmful because they can interfere with the delicate electrical system of your body. When this happens, a variety of health problems, ranging from trouble sleeping to the development of cancer, can take place. Additionally, people have reported fatigue, stress, irregular sensations in their skin, pains, muscle aches, burning eyes, difficulty thinking, digestive disorders, and infertility.

Q.: How can you reduce the EMFs in your home?
A.: Besides following tips to reduce EMF exposure, such as unplugging appliances when not in use and minimizing time spend on the computer and cell phone, EMF filters have been developed to reduce the amount of exposure you experience in your home. Electricity exists at several different frequencies, and the harmful frequencies are often called Dirty Electricity. EMF filters remove the Dirty Electricity from electrical lines, reducing the risk that you will be affected by it.

Q.: Do you need EMF filters in your house?
A.: No, however it is wise if you have electrical devices. Electronic devices could be leaking harmful EMFs into your home. Instead of living in fear of EMF exposure, you can use EMF filters to cut down the amount of radiation.

Q.: Do you need more than one EMF filter?
A.: Yes. Normally, 20 EMF filters are used in the average home; however, you can determine if you need more or less based upon the number of electronic devices that you have plugged into your outlets.

Q.: How long will my filters last?
A.:Because EMF filters are not like other commonly used filters, such as those in your car, they do not need to be replaced. Your EMF filters should last quite some time and only need repairs or replacement if they are damaged.

Posted on 2011 November 18, in Health and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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