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Government agents now searching sack lunches at schools

U.S. schoolchildren now subjected to sack lunch searches by government agents who enforce nutritional insanity

Mike Adams
Natural News
2012 February 15

First it was the TSA searching your underpants at the airport, claiming to be protecting you from “terrorists.” Now a local elementary school in North Carolina is searching the homemade lunches of schoolchildren with the goal of forcing children to ditch their nutritious, home-made meals and learn to consume pasteurized, homogenized USDA-approved cow’s milk and chemically-laced processed meats that promote cancer.

This is what happened, as reported in the Carolina Journal yesterday:

“A preschooler at West Hoke Elementary School ate three chicken nuggets for lunch Jan. 30 because a state employee told her the lunch her mother packed was not nutritious.” (…)

The paper goes on to report:

“The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the agent who was inspecting all lunch boxes in her More at Four classroom that day.”

Hold on a sec there, partner. There are AGENTS inspecting lunch boxes of schoolchildren?

You thought the TSA was bad? Get ready for school lunch pat-downs!

That’s the first highly disturbing part of this entire story. See, the corrupt state is trying to take over everything, including the American family. Telling little Johnny that his mom packed an “inferior” lunch is one way of teaching children that they should worship the state instead of their parents. It’s entirely consistent with the actions of pathetic child health sellouts such as California Governor Jerry Brown who recently signed a law giving 12-year-old children the right to “consent” to being injected with Gardasil vaccines as long as they don’t tell their parents. (

Parents are useless. The state is God. Write that down, boys and girls, as you’ll be tested on it later. And please don’t tell all the TSA perverts that new jobs are opening up involving searching the sacks of elementary schoolchildren, or they’ll quit the TSA in droves and line up to be part of anything that might involve touching little children (

In North Carolina, the homemade school lunches that don’t meet USDA guidelines are then “enhanced” with what the state calls the “missing items” (the processed meat laced with chemicals, or the dead, pasteurized milk, produced with Bovine Growth Hormones). Parents are then billed (fined) for the additional cost of these “missing” items.

In other words, the state is forcing parents to buy cancer-causing processed foodsand feed them to their children!

The cancer weapons of the TSA banned in the EU

EU bans naked body scanners because of cancer risk, US continues to coerce travelers through them

Jonathan Benson
Natural News
2011 November 21

The European Commission has issued new guidelines for the use of naked body scanners at European airports. Only scanners that use millimeter wave technology, a type of low-energy radio wave that does not cause radioactive damage, will be permitted for use in the EU — the backscatter X-ray variety commonly used in the US will be off limits due to safety concerns.

Unlike the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which continues to insist that the backscatter machines are safe, EU regulators have admitted that this is not the case. Not only are these ionizing radiation machines now restricted throughout Europe, but the use of even millimeter wave machines also continues to remain optional for nation states that choose to use them.

“In order not to risk jeopardizing citizens’ health and safety, only security scanners which do not use X-ray technology are added to the list of authorised methods for passenger screening at EU airports,” says the commission’s press release announcement. “All other technologies, such as that used for mobiles (sic) phones and others, can be used provided that they comply with EU security standards.”

This approach to public safety is a far cry from the one US regulators are taking. Even though backscatter X-ray machines are not at all necessary, the TSA, under the umbrella of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), continues to bend over backwards in support of the machines, even when this includes openly denying the fact that they can cause cancer (…).

Full article here