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Seizure-causing vaccines

As children’s brains are being eaten by vaccines, parents urged to ignore the symptoms and ‘soothe’ their babies

Jonathan Benson
Natural News
2012 April 21

A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics suggests that administering one or more of the five “Ss” — swaddling, side/stomach position, shushing, swinging, and sucking — to babies in conjunction with their childhood vaccine regimens can help alleviate the physical and emotional stress typically brought about by this highly-invasive medical tradition.

Swaddling babies, or wrapping them in a warm blanket after they are vaccinated, as well as placing them in certain positions can help reduce their levels of anxiety, say researchers. Gently shushing them while rocking them or giving them a pacifier can also help to make the vaccination process move along much more smoothly and less painfully.

Though these measures do absolutely nothing to address the potential neurological damage caused by vaccines, researchers say they can “soothe” babies and help them to stop crying. According to Dr. John W. Harrington from Eastern Virginia Medical School and Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters in Norfolk, the methods serve as a “distraction” from the pain caused by the needles.

For their study, Harrington and his colleagues divided 234 two- and four-month-old babies into four study groups, two of which received the five Ss after their vaccinations. They found that those who received these interventions experienced less visible pain, grimacing, and frowning, according to Reuters, and they cried less.

But as good as it might be to effectively comfort a child who has just been bombarded with dozens of vaccine injections, no amount of physical comfort will mitigate the damage being done to babies’ brains by vaccines. The combination diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus shot, also known as DPT, for instance, is known to cause severe and permanent brain damage in some children (

Full article here

Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and other fantasies

Flu shot fantasies: How influenza vaccines halt flu infections (even when they don’t)

Mike Adams
Natural News
2011 December 20

Vaccines are so effective at halting disease that they confer total immunity, say vaccine advocates. “Take a flu shot and you won’t get the flu!” Both flu shots and MMR vaccines are so safe and effective that everybody should be forced to take them, they insist.

And why? Because they claim all those un-vaccinated people will spread disease to the vaccinated people!

(Insert vinyl record screeching sound here.)

Hold on just a minute. Wasn’t their whole argument about vaccines based on the idea that they confer total immunity to those who take them? Well, if that’s true then they should have no fear whatsoever of un-vaccinated people!

According to vaccine promoters, if you take a flu shot vaccine, that means you can run around and drench yourself in flu viruses with total immunity. You can lick dirty doorknobs, shake hands with people who just wiped their runny noses, and even touch filthy drooling babies right before you eat a sandwich with your contaminated hands. Thanks to the vaccine, you’re now bulletproof!

So why worry at all about un-vaccinated people infecting you?

Vaccines cause brain damage

See, the vaccine logic just doesn’t add up. There’s a reason for that, of course: Vaccines make you stupid. The chemical adjuvants added to vaccines actually cause neurological damage and interfere with healthy cognitive function. That’s why brain-damaged people who take vaccines — also known as Vaccine Zombies — can’t work out the simple logic explained above.

It’s also why people who take vaccines are easily fooled into taking yet more vaccines. The critical thinking parts of their brains have been impaired, and they also have trouble with math and finances. Did you know that two-thirds of Americans cannot explain how compound interest works? Try to explain fundamental concepts of fractional-reserve banking to your average vaccine consumer and you’ll quickly discover just how brain damaged they really are.

Wolves in sheep’s clothing

If You Go to Church, Heed This Warning

Dr. Mercola
2011 December 6

Recently the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, held an invitation-only call.

The call was co-sponsored by the U.S. Health and Human Services, the Office of Minority Health, and CDC.

Conspicuously, the end of the invitation read:

This call is off the record and is not for press purposes” — but it became public when it showed up on the HHS website.

Fortunately one of our staff was able to get on the call.

The focus of the call was on getting faith-based organizations to sponsor flu clinics with Walgreens.

Basically, they want to move inside your church, mosque or synagogue, and set up shop, with your pastor, priest, imam and rabbi on hand to convince you to get a flu shot.

As an example, they cited a priest who stopped in the middle of mass to roll up his sleeve and get vaccinated, inspiring the rest of his parish to line up behind him.

Talk to God, Get a Shot

The idea of holding out your arm and getting a shot in the middle of a worship service, with your pastoral leader urging you on, really seems to be pushing it. The reason they’re doing this, health officials said on the phone, is that they’ve found that non-traditional settings such as worship services can be highly effective in influencing people’s decisions.

Speaking directly to church leaders, Joshua DuBois, executive director of the White House Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnership, said:

“As trusted messengers, you’re able to spread messages and help get people vaccinated.”

Zeroing in on minorities, particularly older adults, blacks and Latinos, health officials said churches, mosques and schools are places where barriers to vaccinations can be taken down, and these minorities can be convinced to get vaccinated. Besides hosting flu shot clinics, churches can also help by putting reminders in their bulletins, and by church members personally reminding others to get their shots, officials said.

They even went so far as to encourage the churches to pay people’s insurance co-pays so they’d be more inclined to get the shots. For those who simply can’t pay anything, there’ll be 300,000 free shots given out as part of the flu vaccine crusade.

Full article here

Green tea beats flu vaccine

Green tea supplements prevent flu better than vaccination

Ethan Evers
Natural News
2011 November 22

Flu season is now in full swing and seasonal vaccinations are being pushed from every corner. Nonetheless, a recent clinical trial showed that green tea-based supplements reduced the risk of flu by 75%. This is far better than the 60% risk reduction recently reported in the Lancet for vaccinations. Given that green tea provides a host of other health benefits and none of the risks of injections, it would appear to be a far superior alternative to vaccination.

Green Tea: Natural Antiviral and Immune Enhancer

For many years it has been known that green tea polyphenols actively suppress many bacterial, fungal and viral species. On the virus front, green tea suppresses the adenovirus, Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex, HIV-1 and influenza viruses. EGCG, one of the main polyphenols in green tea, is mainly responsible for this suppression. Specifically, ECGC binds to the hemagglutinin of the influenza virus, which blocks it from attaching to (and infecting) target receptor cells. EGCG also alters the virus cell membrane, which further inhibits its ability to infect other cells. Another important component of green tea is the amino acid L-theanine, which has been shown to activate human gamma-delta-T lymphocytes to proliferate and make interferon-gamma, a potent antimicrobial cytokine. These lymphocytes are considered to be the body’s first line of defence against infection. Green tea therefore offers a two-pronged protection from the flu which vaccination simply cannot match. But for final proof, we need clinical trials.

Green Tea Lowers Flu Risk: Early Clinical Evidence

One early trial using green tea against the flu involved gargling three times daily with a weak solution of green tea (50 mg of catechins per cup, of which 60% was EGCG). The theory was that since the throat was a major infection site of influenza, gargling could stop the flu virus there. The theory was right: 1.3% of garglers contracted the flu vs. 10% of the control group. In another more sophisticated trial on 97 healthy adults, a proprietary blend of theanine and green tea polyphenols (apparently worth about 10 cups of green tea per day, but exact amounts were not disclosed) was used for three months during flu season. This trial was randomized, double-blind and placebo controlled. The supplement takers experienced 32% less illnesses and 35% fewer “symptom days.” However, participants were included in the statistical analysis even if their compliance (actually taking the green tea pills) was only 70%.

Full article here

HPV vaccine dangers

Gardasil Victims Take Legal Action Against Merck Over Miscarriage, Deadly Reactions

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post
2011 November 10

When one Australian woman decided to lead the charge against Gardasil maker Merck after experiencing serious adverse reactions, she soon found another 7 Victorian women with similar intentions and experiences. Naomi Snell, a resident of Melbourne, Australia, suffered an auto-immune and neurological attack after being injected with the HPV shot Gardasil. After reading about a Sydney neurologist who exposed Gardasil as a potential cause of MS-like symptoms, Snell realized that Gardasil could be behind her recent health ailments.

She made a timeline of her declining health using reports from her doctor and physiotherapist. What she found was that the events unfolded right after she had received the Gardasil vaccine. At 28 years of age, Snell lost her ability to walk, suffered from crippling back and neck pain, and experienced convulsions that put her life on hold for 2 years. The health issues started soon after receiving the HPV shot in July 2008.

I never attributed it to my vaccine so I went back for my second and third dose, Ms Snell said. My doctors said I was a case for Dr House. They were baffled.

After launching the class action lawsuit against Merck, 7 Victorian women considered joining the case after experiencing similar reactions to the Gardasil vaccine. One woman linked the Gardasil injection to her miscarriage, which occurred afterwards in her local supermarket.

Gardasil has led to thousands of adverse reactions and even death

Naomi Snell is not the first Gardasil recipient to develop adverse reactions. In fact, many before her have actually died as a result of the Gardasil vaccine.

The Gardasil vaccine has a very questionable timeline, riddled with corruption and devastating side effects. Shockingly, the HPV shot led to 3,589 harmful reactions and 16 deaths between May 2009 and September 2010 alone. Of the 3,589 adverse reactions, many were debilitating. Permanent disability was the result of 213 cases; 25 resulted in the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome; there were 789 other “serious” reports according to FDA documents.

Merck of course makes no mention of this in their deceptive advertisements, leading consumers to think that the vaccine is safe.

CDC: Center for Disease Coverup

Exposed: CDC deliberately manipulated, covered up scientific data showing link between vaccines containing mercury and autism

Ethan Huff
Natural News
2011 November 2

Deniers of the link between mercury-laden vaccines and autism are going to have a hard time denying the latest findings by the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD). The nonprofit group has obtained critical documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that exposes the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) role in deliberately lying about and manipulating a key Danish study that showed a clear link between vaccines containing mercury and autism.

In 2003, the journal Pediatrics published a study conducted in Denmark that observed a significant decline in autism rates following the country’s elimination of Thimerosal, a mercury-based component, from vaccines. But thanks to the CDC’s corrupting influence, the published version of the study in Pediatrics actually claimed the opposite, and alleged that removal of Thimerosal brought about an increase in autism rates.

According to the documents, CDC officials removed large amounts of data from the study that showed a decline in autism rates following the removal of Thimerosal. The agency then twisted the remaining data to imply an increase in autism rates following the removal of Thimerosal, and suggested that there was no link between Thimerosal and autism.

Upon submission of the CDC’s tainted version of the study to Pediatrics, the study’s authors contacted CDC officials to let them know that the agency had incorrectly interpreted the data. They tried to tell the CDC that its figures and conclusions were wrong, and that corrections needed to be made.

The CDC allegedly responded by saying that it would take a look at the incorrect data, but proceeded to submit the corrupted version of the study to Pediatrics anyway. After encouraging the editors of Pediatrics to perform an expedited review of the corrupted study, the CDC ended up convincing the journal to publish the fraudulent study, which it did in 2003.

Now that this critical information has been officially released for the world to see, CoMeD is pressing the CDC to conduct a full criminal investigation into the matter, and make a formal declaration about whether or not scientific fraud was involved. CoMeD is also calling for a full, immediate retraction of the corrupted study from Pediatrics.

“This should not be tolerated by those who are entrusted with our children’s health and well-being,” says Lisa Sykes, President of CoMeD.

To learn more, visit:

Flu Vaccine Causes Chronic Nervous System Disorders

Conclusive Link Now Admitted: Swine Flu Vaccine Causes Chronic Nervous System Disorders

International Business Times
2011 October 10

The nation of Finland has now openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine “conclusively” causes narcolepsy, a chronic nervous system disorder that makes people uncontrollably fall asleep. The Finnish government, in acknowledging this link, says it will pay for “lifetime medical care” for 79 children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu vaccine. (…)

Narcolepsy isn’t the only side effect now admitted to be caused by swine flu vaccines: 76 of the 79 children also suffered hallucinations and “paralyzing physical collapses,” say Finnish researchers. Read the rest of this entry